and Sony Ericsson HPM-70

Ok, i use this two phone to hear how the sound quality between 5 phones, any way this is my opinion when i insert Nokia Wh-205 in my Nokia N8:
My opinionin Nokia N8:
The sound quality is totally good!, the bass is very high even though i set it to normal equaliser, treble is quite low, but heareble, vocal is great, you can hear the vocal and a background noise clearly, stereo effect is a top notch and the sound volume is loud and awesome clarity!, Nokia N8 has a very good audio quality on earphone, go get n8!
Bass: 9/10
Stereo effect:10/10
Sound loudness: 9/10
My Opinion In Nokia E7:
The sound quality is excellent! i s same as n8 but the Bass seems a bit higher than Nokia N8, the treble is also slightly higher but vocal seems to be a bit lower than n8, but nevertheless Nokia E7 still hold a good stereo effect and a loud sound volume insert the earphone. I think this is a best music quality in earphone at E Series! hehehe
Bass: 10/10
Vocal: 8/10
Stereo Effect:10/10
Sound loudness: 9/10
My opinions in Nokia C7:
The sound quality is excellent! same like Nokia N8, but the bass is par with N8, Treble is outstanding and vocal is higher than E7, which is a good music player with high rank stereo effect and loud volume loudness. These are also good audio quality of Nokia phones, go get one!
Bass: 9/10
vocal: 10/10
Stereo effect:10/10
Sound loudness:9.5/10
My opinions of Sony Ericsson W610i:
Using HPM-70, the Bass is extremely good and high, par with nokia E7, the treble is awesome but there is a bit distortion but not so disturbing,vocal is excellent with a clear high sound, Stereo effect is good but not as good as other Nokia Phones, the sound Loudness is pretty high but can't beat Nokia E7 though. For a cheaper alternatives, go with this phone for Walkman Fans!
Bass: 10/10
Treble: 9.5/10
Stereo Effect:8/10
Sound loudness:8/10
My opinions using Nokia X1-00:
I really thought the sound quality is gonna be bad since there is no stereo widening effect and no equaliser, but i was wrong, this is the best audio quality ever produce! The BAss is Pretty high, the treble is the best and vocal is Par with other nokia Phones, make it short the sound frequency pretty stable, since i can hear all the main bass treble and vocal with no trouble, same goes to Stereo Effect, it was a top notch! sound loudness is not so loud than Nokia E7 and N8 but a bit higher than W610i, for user who like a mobile with just a music, this phone is for you!
Stereo Effect:10/10
Sound loudness:8.5/10
Ok after i calculate the result, here is the result and the winner of this battle is(drum roll please):
Nokia X1-00!

Second place goes too:
Sony Ericsson mW610i!

Third goes to two phones:
Nokia N8 and Nokia C7!

And the last place goes to Nokia E7!

This comment is using what i experience, the comment not following the rank, anyway, i was pretty impressed by nokia X1, beat the other high end phone, Sony Ericsson w610 is also very good, Nokia N* and C7 is also good but the loudness and abit down loudspeaker performance make the result go down, Nokia C& is good but not par with other phones. Anyway thanks for reading, thank you and have a good day, and assalamualaikum!
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