Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Battle! camera quality of Nokia E63 and Nokia 5320 Xpress Music

Now the battle continues. Now the olde Nokia 5320 Xpress Music has a fair match this time. This time he( nokia 5320 xpress music) battle with a business handset, Nokia e63 a downgrade version of Nokia E71. Do yo think Nokia 5320 is gonna won after being defeated by his brothers?( see nokia n79 vs 5800 XM and 5320 XM) lets check this another Battle Between Nokia 5320 XM VS. Nokia E63.

This is the Device:

Nokia 5320 Xpress Music( 2 megapixel, fixed focus, dual Led Flash)


Nokia E63( 2 megapixel,fixed focus,single Led flash)

Round 1:

indoor in total darkness:

1st Picture: Nokia E63 2nd picture: Nokia 5320 Xpress Music

Ok to tell the truth, both of them has a very disturbingly and very high spots and noise and image distortion. But Nokia E 63 has a clear image than Nokia 5320. In E63 camera, although The spot are completely seen and disturbingly high noise level, but the contrast and coloring is really good. it dosen't even change the whole image into other unwanted color. The coloring is really good and it kept under control. 5/10

As for 5320 Xpress Music, The noise level and spot level are worst than Nokia E63. It covers almost all of the photo, not just that, the coloring and contrast of the image is WTF?? The flash made the image turn Oversharp White image!! It was the worst image quality in the dark i have ever seen. 2/10

Round 2:

Indoor in low light condition

1st picture: Nokia E63 2nd picture: Nokia 5320 Xpress Music

For Nokia E63, The Noise level is really high and the coloring is focused more on red. Even with flash is on. But if you did not full screen the image the image is quite nice to see. anyway, the image is not that good and alot of noise and the middle part of the image is red in color. But anyway its only 2 megapixel so bear with it. 5/10

For Nokia 5320 xpress Music, The image quality is bad also but the noise is marginally improved but still high though. But the image is also has a reddish color same like E63 but the noise level and spot level are higher than Nokia E63. 4/10

Round 3:

macro photo outdoor:

1st picture:Nokia E63 2nd picture: Nokia 5320 Xpress Music

As for macro mode, The image quality are remain same in both of the phone. both devices cant focus the flower clearly since both of this device does not have the auto focus. But, the color of the flower in 5320 is closer to real one. so Nokia 5320 has a credit on macro battle. the background of the flower 5320 won because of the near real color.

Nokia E63: 5/10

Nokia 5320 Xpress Music: 6/10

Round 4:

nearview outdoor:

1st picture: Nokia E63 2nd picture: Nokia 5320 xpress Music

wow, this is tough one. Nokia e 63 has a bit low contrast and the coloring has a reddish present and at the same time the image has a disturbingly oversharp and the image of car plate lose focus. The image dosent look real at all since the oversharp image and reddish color. well business phone not always have a good camera though. 3/10

As for Nokia 5320 Xpress Music, The image quality is slightly better than E63 it seems,The sharpness is kept control and the car plate is seems more readable than E63. But one thing lacks though,the image turn blur and gloomy even un der bright light. well a two megapixel music phone what do you expect? 4/10

Final round:

farview outdoor:

1st picture: Nokia E63 2nd picture: Nokia 5320 Xpress Music

Nokia E63 has a better image quality than 5320 Xpress Music. The image of Nokia E63 is more bright and close to real in E63. The contrat is also par level. But on the left image is blur including on the middle part where the camera out focus the image of cars and van. And on the road it has a reddish rather pinkish color. 5/10

as for Nokia 5320, The image quality is quite impressive than Nokia E63. The contrat is good, There is no reddish problem on the road this time and there is no blur on the left side of the image and the contrast is higher than E63. But the problem of the image of the 5320 is the noise and spot is seen and is quite high too. makes the image turns blur and gloomy 6/10

So the winner of this 2 megapixel challenge is..(drum roll please...)

Nokia E63 !!! with 23/50 points!!!

the challenger

Nokia 5320 Xpress Music with only 22/50 points!!

so Nokia E63 only have a slim win between Nokia 5320. But anyway Nokia E63 still won though so its up to you which one to buy between 5320 and E 63? If you ask me i would go for E 63 because it has WIfi,good battery life and awsome web browsing, good audio quality through headphone.Anyway its up to you to pick between these two if you dont mind camera. anyway thanks for reading gud day and assalamualaikum

Battle! Nokia N86 8mp vs Canon PowerShot A460

Hello folks, today this blog is a battle between Nokia N86 8mp where this phone won a TIPA awards 2009 for the best mobile imaging quality and a low end digital camera Canon PowerShot a460. so let us see if the TIPA award winner can defeat the low end digi cam, stay tuned!

here is the model in case you didn't know:

Canon Power shot a460( 5 megapixel,auto focus,xenon flash and 4X optical Canon Zoom Lens)


Nokia N86 8MP( 8 megapixel, auto focus,face detection(in version 21),28mm wide angle lens,variable aperature and 3rd generation dual led flash)

Round 1:
indoor in total darkness:

1st picture:Nokia N86 8Mp 2nd picture: canon Powershot a460

As you guys can see here( you have to full screen to see it clearly) Nokia N86 has a great image quality and more object capture thanks to the 28mm wide angle lens. the image are clear and you can read the clock number clearly and the coloring of the whole object is kept real. there is no other add color on the image. There is a but though, the bottom part of the image is a bit dark because the led flash is not as bright as xenon and there some noise( hardly noticable though) on the bookshelf. But overall, the led flash is acceptable and the image in indoor is success!8.5/10

As for the canon power shot a460, the image are a bit limited because the lack of wide angle lens. but the image seems to be sharp and bright thanks to the almighty xenon flash which knock the n86 led down. but there are a little spots on the bottom left part of the image and the numbers on the clock is a bit blur. anyway the advantage of xenon flash makes the image become bright and sharp.8.7/10

round 2:

Macro indoor in total darkness:

1st picture: Nokia N86 8Mp 2nd picture: Canon Power Shot a460

I don't want to be a bias here but in this round, Nokia N86 won instantly! Because in the image of n86(1st picture) the word of the glade scented gel is clearly readable and the coloring of the glade thing and a dark green cup behind it's real!! and if you notice there is no spot or a single add color on the objects. thumbs up! 10/10

As for canon power shot a460 image(second picture) it has a good quality, the word on the glade thing is readable and the macro is excellent. BUT, the whole image has a white coloring add. the glade thing turns a bit white and the image of the cup is become less dark green.( maybe because of the xenon i dunno). or let just say, the macro on this digi cam is good but has a bit inadequate coloring make the image turn white. 8/10

round 3:

Indoor in a low light condition:

1st picture: Nokia N86 8mp 2nd picture: Canon Powershot a460

Firstly, Nokia N86 has a nice quality and the image is good and sharp you can see there is no color add at all but there is a presence of noise and spot because of the inadequate brightness of the flash and the image seems cant focus the object, maybe because of the wide angle lens but not too disturbing. But if you saw on the window near the kitchen, there was a high light exposure on the window. in conclusion, the image is good but not great. 8/10

Canon Power shot won in this round(again) because of the adequate xenon flash and the light exposure on the window on the back is low and you can see outside of it. The image focusing is a bit better than n86, there is some spot and noise on the dark part of the image but not too disturbing. overall, Canon won the match(again) 9/10

round 4:

Macro outdoor

1st picture: Nokia n86 8mp 2nd picture: canon powershot a460

In this round. Nokia n86 knock canon powershot a460 down in terms of coloring and focusing. as you can see image of nokia n86 has an amazing focusing and the color of the flower is light purple and the image is successfully make the image look real. the image and the detail of the leaf around the flower is also great! You can see the light green color of the leaf( the real one is light green color). So Nokia n86 won by macro match(again) 10/10

As for canon powershot, the image quality of the digi cam is kinda low, the focusing is only on the flower and certain leaf nearby but the color is turn white and over purple color image on the flower. The leaf is good but you can see some white color on the leaf which makes the color turns dark green color instead of a light green color. 6/10

round 5:

nearview outdoor

1st picture: Nokia n86 8mp 2nd picture: canon powershot a460

In this photo, you can't see any difference both of the image, since the sky is kinda cloudy. The coloring is great, the focusing is good. there was a low light exposure on the image, the noise and spot are not present at all. Both of the image doesn't have any add color or any unwanted that make the image go bad. But n86 has a better image performance than canon powershot because the presence of wide angle lens makes the image on n86 is more detail and good.

Nokia n86: 10/10
canon power shot a460: 9.9/10

round 6

farview outdoor

1st picture: Nokia n86 8mp 2nd picture: canon powershot a460

Firstly, the image quality of Nokia n86 has an excellent quality. The two car nearby(in malaysia, red car is proton savvy and the light brown is proton gen 2) has a great sharpness and nice detail though the number plate of the gen 2 car is a bit out of focus but readable. The coloring is excellent! is realistic! there is no add color in the image, the noise and spots are very low and thanks for the wide angle lens, you can see more object when you used Nokia n86. 9.8/10

Secondly, the canon power shot a460 has a good image quality, BUT the whole image become less sharp and the coloring turns grey, if you notice on the left part of the image, there is a bit blur on the trees and some rooftop houses. But at least the plate number of the light brown car is focus excellent. In the whole image there was a greyish color every part of the object,it makes the image became low and less sharp. 7.3/10

Final round:

Garden outdoor cloudy view:

1st picture: Nokia n86 8mp 2nd picture: canon power shot a460

Finally, in this match Nokia N86 did a very excellent job in this final round, the image is totally good, no noise and spot, no oversharp in the image, but on the bottom right on the image is a bit out of focus. there is a very little light exposure and its only exist at the tree behind of the object( i dunno hoe to describe it, sorry) but anyway, congrats N86! 9.7./10

Finally, the image quality of canon power shot has some kind of a too whitish color. the image of the pot has over sharp color to white. although there is no noise or any spot, but the light exposure is very high which makes the image focus more on white color. Anyway, it has a good image but too much white color. 7.8/10

so, the winner is( drum roll please)......

NOKIA N86 8MP!!!!!!! with outstanding 66/70 marks!!

the challenger

CANON POWER SHOT A460 has 56.7/70 marks!!

in conclusion. N86 has did defeat canon power a460 for 9.3 points. which Nokia won a low end camera digital. So i highly reccommend the Nokia N86 because it almost has a same image quality as nikon dslr. anyway thanks for reading and please comment. hahaha anyway goodday and assalamualaikum.